Leave behind something valuable to us in Sri Lanka - Your comments


Please tell us about your wedding in Sri Lanka

Your assistance is appreciated


Please spend 5 minutes answering the following questions
Email addresses are not published on the website

Full Name :: 

e-Mail :: 

Country :: 

Did you marry in Sri Lanka ::
If YES type of ceremony ::
If NO which country were you married in ::
Your Visit to Sri Lanka How did you Book your Wedding
Date of Arrival ::
Date of Departure ::
Date of your wedding ::
First visit to Sri Lanka ::
Did you tour Sri Lanka ::

Did you stay at a hotel in Sri Lanka ::
How many people in group. eg : Friends ::
Name of the Hotel at which you married ::
Overall rating of hotel facilities ::
About your Wedding Arrangements
How well were the arrangements handled by the tour operator BEFORE your arrival in Sri Lanka ::
How well were the arrangements handled by the hotel AFTER your arrival in Sri Lanka ::

Overall was the paperwork well arranged AFTER THE WEDDING;

e.g. Certificate of Marriage, translation copy

Your comment on the wedding "Paperwork" Arrangements
Your comment on the "Wedding" Arrangements at Hotel
Your comment on the "Hotel" at which you were married
Would you recommend any friends to marry in Sri Lanka ::
Value for money in Sri Lanka Wedding packages   ::
Your overall experience Excellent = 9...5...1 = Poor ::
Any additional comments on Sri Lanka wedding packages

For Publishing on the Website

Publish with name


Publish without name


Your comments on Sri Lanka eg : The country, the people, safety, security, travel, roads, attractions, the beaches, culture, history, heritage, shopping, value for money, touts, taxi drivers, changing money and any other factor

Thank you


your time


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5 Saxon Avenue, Manchester M8 4QH

Email: web@internetholidays.biz



Sri Lanka Island Tours

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